
mo4ch:>Stigma or precaution? DoD memo lists Covid-19 as ‘permanently disqualifying’ for survivors seeking to join army | Mo4ch News

New guidelines for US military recruiters severely limit the chances for survivors of the coronavirus to join the ranks of the armed forces, banning them from service outright unless they obtain a special waiver.A memo penned by the US Military Entrance Processing Command (MEPCOM) laying out guidelines for staffers who screen applicants for military service has been circulated online. The authenticity of the document – which effectively makes the coronavirus a black mark, excluding survivors from the pool of potential recruits – was confirmed by Pentagon spokeswoman Jessica Maxwell on Wednesday, as cited by the Military Times.All recruits at Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) will be required to go through a thorough screening process aimed at determining whether they have ever contracted Covid-19, even if they have never tested positive for the disease.The typical screening procedure would entail MEPS staff taking recruits’ temperatures and asking questions about whether th…