
mo4ch:>Musk says SpaceX is 'fixing' brightness from satellites | Mo4ch News

Musk says SpaceX is 'fixing' brightness from satellitesMusk says SpaceX is 'fixing' brightness from satellites23 April 2020 Image copyrightEPAImage captionLong-exposure images were used to produce this shot of the satellites passing over HungarySpaceX chief executive Elon Musk said the company was "fixing" the brightness of his company's satellites.Stargazers around the world and including many Britons have witnessed unusual constellations made up of the low earth orbit spacecraft.SpaceX has been launching large batches of satellites as part of its Starlink project to improve global internet coverage.The most recent launch took place on Wednesday.Responding to a question about the brightness of the Starlink satellites on Twitter, Mr Musk said it was due to the angle of the satellites solar panels and the company was "fixing it now". A fix could make them less visible from Earth. Image copyrightTwitterSpaceX's Starlink project aims to eventually…