
mo4ch:>Herd immunity? 1 in 3 test positive for Covid-19 ANTIBODIES in pilot Massachusetts street study | Mo4ch News

Nearly a third of 200 randomly tested residents of Chelsea, Massachusetts, were found to have Covid-19-related antibodies in yet another indication that the virus could be far more widespread and much less lethal than believed.All of the participants “generally appeared healthy,” but around half of them admitted that they had suffered at least one coronavirus symptom in the past month, according to the Massachusetts General Hospital researchers. Those who had previously tested positive for Covid-19 in the regular nasal swab were deliberately excluded from the study.A total of 64 out of 200 blood samples tested positive for antibodies “linked to COVID-19.” While this could suggest that up to a third of the Chelsea population might’ve already contracted the virus ― and recovered ― without even knowing it, Dr. Vivek Naranbhai who conducted the testing warned that many of those tested might still be contagious.Just because you have the antibodies doesn’t mean you’ve cleared the virus.The …