
mo4ch:>Vampire bats 'French kiss with blood' to form lasting bonds | Mo4ch News

Vampire bats 'French kiss with blood' to form lasting bonds20 March 2020 Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage captionVampire bats are actually rather friendly - to each other at leastVampire bats establish friendships by sharing regurgitated blood with their neighbours in a "kind of horrifying French kiss", a new study says.Researchers observing the mammals said their sharing behaviours appeared to be an important aspect of their bonding.If bats go three days without eating, they can die of starvation, so sharing the blood can be a life-saving act.The study, published in the journal Current Biology, aimed to determine how the species developed relationships.It found that when the vampire bats became isolated in a roost, pairs unfamiliar with one another - but in close proximity - would begin grooming, then "mouth-licking" before swapping food. Secrets of how vampire bats became bloodthirstyFive things you might not know about bats"We go from bats starting as…