
mo4ch:>Coronavirus is just more grist for the political mill in 2020 US election | Mo4ch News

While most Americans see coronavirus as merely a viral epidemic threatening their lives, the 2020 presidential candidates are focused on what’s really important – using the virus to attack one another.Sure, some in government have concerned themselves with pedestrian matters like ensuring hospitals are adequately supplied to deal with the epidemic and advising Americans on tips for staying healthy. But Trump and his Democratic nemeses are asking the more important question: “how can I use this epidemic to score points off my enemies?”US President Donald Trump met his critics with an “I told you so” on Monday, pointing out he had “closed the Country down to China many weeks ahead of what almost everyone recommended. Saved many lives,” while his opponents were “working the impeachment Hoax.” He seized the opportunity to get in a dig at his predecessor Barack Obama, tweeting a poll that ranked public support of his administration’s ability to contain coronavirus significantly higher than…