
mo4ch:>Cancel culture wins again: Publisher drops Woody Allen memoir after employee walkout | Mo4ch News

New York publishing house Hachette canceled Woody Allen’s biography and returned the rights to the famous film director, after its employees staged a walkout in protest. Allen was accused of child sex abuse by his ex-partner.“The decision to cancel Mr. Allen’s book was a difficult one,” a spokeswoman for Hachette Book Group said in a statement on Friday. “We take our relationships with authors very seriously, and do not cancel books lightly.”After dozens of HBG employees walked out in protest on Thursday, however, the company “came to the conclusion that moving forward with publication would not be feasible.”The decision probably had something to do with the fact that earlier in the week, celebrity journalist and Allen’s son Ronan Farrow announced he would cut ties with Hachette, accusing Allen once again of molesting his adopted daughter and Farrow’s sister Dylan, over two decades ago.Farrow is revered by the #MeToo movement for his reporting on how Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weins…