
mo4ch:>‘America’s two-party oligarchy can’t relate to those in need’: Lee Camp says US coronavirus failure goes beyond just Trump | Mo4ch News

As the US teeters on the edge of abyss amid a Covid-19 pandemic, the crisis has revealed systemic flaws brought by years of two-party plutocracy that go far beyond a single president, says Lee Camp, host of RT's Redacted Tonight.While President Donald Trump bears a good portion of the blame for the sluggish US response to Covid-19, he is only one piece of a larger puzzle. America’s structural defects long predate Trump’s time in office, the comedian argued.“The fact that so many millions of Americans don’t have paid sick leave, or hardly make minimum wage and therefore can’t afford an emergency – that kind of system was set up under a two-party apparatus that basically agreed: ‘Let’s create an America where people are completely exploited,’” Camp said. That was both parties.Also on rt.comCoronavirus calls US’ ‘world's richest country’ bluff: Will it cling to busted myths or evolve under pressure?Whether during a viral pandemic, wildfires in California, hurricanes in New Orlean…