
mo4ch:>Desperate much? Biden takes a dig at Sanders for not distancing ENOUGH from ‘supporters’ attacking a Latino union | Mo4ch News

Hoping to bounce back from dismal early election results, former VP Joe Biden chastised Senator Bernie Sanders for not disowning supporters that harassed members of a Nevada’s Latino-majority union – except he did.In an interview to NBC’s “Meet The Press,” to be aired in full on Monday, Biden has unleashed a scathing attack on Sanders, who is currently riding high in the polls in Nevada, which holds the next Democratic nominating contest.Referring to the instances when supposed Sanders supporters hurled online abuse at the members of the Nevada Culinary Workers Union (NCWU) after it distributed leaflets voicing concerns about Sander’s Medicare for All plan, Biden said that the Vermont independent should do more to distance himself from “vicious, malicious, misogynistic” attacks.[Sanders needs] to find out who the hell they are, if any of them work for [him]. Fire them…I’m hoping he’s looking. But I tell you what: so far I don’t think it’s sufficient just to say, ‘I disassociate myself…