
mo4ch:>Theft of the year? Two stubborn kids’ attempt to hijack a wheelbarrow goes VIRAL | Mo4ch News

Two persistent young Russian boys whose inventive theft of a wheelbarrow was caught on surveillance camera have won over millions after their clever solution to the problem of a fence and a locked gate went viral.The boys are seen trying a number of increasingly complex schemes to get the heavy wheelbarrow over a fence in Belorechensk, Krasnodar region in surveillance footage released on Tuesday. The clip, posted by Russia 24, was viewed over 2 million times in 24 hours.Thwarted in their effort to simply lift the wheelbarrow over the fence (they’re not strong enough, or tall enough), they attempt to build a flimsy wooden scaffold (fail - it collapses under the combined weight of object and boy) before deciding to wheel the barrow up a ladder onto a more robust platform and then hefting it over the fence (success, at last!). One boy is then seen wheeling the other away in their hard-won prize.Commenters were charmed by their perseverance and sense of adventure. “Lol, exactly like me an…