
mo4ch:>Scuffles in House of Commons as MPs try to stop suspension of Parliament (VIDEOS) | Mo4ch News

The British House of Commons descended into chaos Tuesday as MPs tried to one-up each other with ostentatious displays of outrage that Boris Johnson had suspended Parliament.MPs scuffled at the doorway and had to be escorted out by security. One MP even vaulted themselves at outgoing House Speaker John Bercow's chair. Meanwhile, the less melodramatic among them merely held up signs reading 'silenced' in protest at the five-week closure announced by UK Prime Minister. For his part, Bercow railed against the 'proroguing' or suspension of the house. Labour's Lloyd Russell-Moyle, 35, threw himself at Bercow's throne. When Bercow later left the chamber and made his way to the House of Lords, he left his own ‘silenced’ sign in his vacant seat.Opposition MPs even engaged in a protest singalong, refusing to leave the chamber in opposition to what they perceive as the desecration of British democracy.The bizarre scenes unfolded at roughly 1:30am British time, after …