
mo4ch:>Poland asks for US military transport aircraft and anti-tank missiles | Mo4ch News

Warsaw is boosting military cooperation with Washington after it has requested additional weapons and vehicles as part of its plan to acquire 60 launchers and around 185 missiles.Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced that his country has filed two letters of request to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency to procure FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile systems and five C-130H Hercules transport aircraft for its Territorial Defense Forces, according to DefenseNews.The request comes as Washington makes headway in sending its military to Poland. Just last week, Blaszczak announced that the two countries had agreed on six locations within Poland for the future stationing of 1,000 new non-permanent US troops. Warsaw has offered to extend at least $2 billion for the construction of a new US base in Poland as part of efforts dubbed “Fort Trump”.Also on rt.comPoland enlists in Washington’s war on Huawei with joint 5G ‘security’ declarationWarsaw also signed a joint declaratio…