
mo4ch:>Jailed Russian journalist Kirill Vyshinsky freed in seismic prisoner swap | Mo4ch News

Journalist Kirill Vyshinsky is among the freed Russian prisoners who landed safely in Moscow following a detainee swap with Ukraine on Saturday. The RIA Novosti editor had been held for 15 months.Vyshinsky, chief of the RIA Novosti Ukraine news agency, was arrested in Kiev in May 2018 on charges of high treason for being involved in a “hybrid information war” against Ukraine. He was accused of treason for allegedly backing anti-government forces in Donetsk and Lugansk (DPR and LPR) in the east of Ukraine, a charge which he denied, pointing out that he had covered both sides of the conflict. Vyshinsky had long said his arrest was purely political, even telling Ruptly that he thought he was being kept behind bars to be used for blackmail “with the possibility to put me up for an exchange.”Also on rt.comKiev never wanted real trial, just to use me for blackmail – detained Russian journalist VyshinskyThe journalist’s arrest garnered international attention, with the Organization for Secur…