
mo4ch:>‘German money kills Jews’: Far-right activist defaces EU office in Israel (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

Anti-migrant activists have defaced office of the EU’s delegation in Israel, dousing its lobby in red paint and scribbling offensive remarks. The incident drew ire of European officials, as well as domestic condemnation.The attack on the EU’s mission occurred late on Sunday, when a group of activists vandalized its entrance. They’ve spray painted “EU get out” and “German money kills Jews” on its walls, glued some posters and doused the floor in red pain, supposedly meant to represent blood splatter.The EU delegation condemned the attack, branding it “deplorable” and vowed to “continue to do our jobs.” A formal complaint to the Israeli authorities was filed and an investigation was launched, yet the whole incident appears to be not that much of a mystery, as the assailants well-documented the process and bragged about it online.The attack was led by Sheffi Paz, an open lesbian and a prominent social activist, who switched from hardline left to hardline right views over her life and now…