
mo4ch:>UN climate report urges people to stop eating meat & abusing land to save planet | Mo4ch News

The UN’s climate-change watchdog says our choice of diet is directly linked to land use and to its abuse, a key driver of the problem. Scientists claim a radical shift in how land is treated is crucial to saving the planet.The report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that any efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and halt global warming may soon be futile without changes in global land use, agriculture and human diets.It emphasizes that, while the earth’s population is growing, demand for food is growing accordingly. This tendency will only increase in the near future, but the planet’s resources are limited, with roughly 70% of land already being used for food production, textiles and fuel.Also on rt.comRenewables growth is stalling, warns IEAIt claims that planet Earth may soon be unable to feed everyone.
The researchers note that the report’s recommendations could help governments prevent this grim future by reducing pressure on land and making …