
mo4ch:>Fund the NHS? Jeremy Corybn’s son opens National Hemp Service shop and café | Mo4ch News

Jeremy Corbyn’s son is opening a hemp shop named after the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). The National Hemp Service will sell all hemp products and is based in Corbyn senior’s Islington North constituency.In a joint effort, Tommy Corbyn and his girlfriend will sell all hemp products including clothing and CBD (cannabidiol) oils, as well as cosmetics when their budding business opens in September. They say cannabis has been “demonized for a long time” and believe it offers solutions to problems in agriculture, the environment and the economy. “Especially in the Brexit environment, when we are not going to be able to export much to the EU, hemp is part of the solution,” Corbyn told the Islington Gazette. The younger Corbyn advocates for the legalization of marijuana and has high hopes to educate his customers about its benefits, while his father believes young people shouldn’t have criminal records after they are caught with small amounts of the drug. The play on the NHS is “a bit …