
mo4ch:>Did Israel colonize the Moon? Near-invincible ‘water bears’ may have SURVIVED lunar probe crash | Mo4ch News

Thousands of microscopic, near-indestructible creatures called tardigrades may be living on the moon after the Israeli probe Beresheet crash-landed earlier this year, according to the group that loaded them onto the spacecraft.“We believe the chances of survival for the tardigrades… are extremely high” based on an analysis of the crashed probe’s trajectory and the device in which the creatures were stored, Nova Spivack, whose Arch Mission Foundation is dedicated to spreading “backups” of human knowledge and terrestrial biology beyond Earth, told AFP.The tardigrades that hitched a ride on Beresheet were dehydrated and encased in a type of epoxy called “Artificial Amber,” prepped for future revival. They were accompanied by a compendium of human history and DNA viewable under microscopes in Arch’s “Lunar Library,” a DVD-like nanotech device designed as a quick reference guide to humanity.Tardigrades are famous for being able to survive the most extreme conditions, so if they didn’t burn…