
mo4ch:>Anthony Scaramucci breaks with Trump in days-long Twitter battle | Mo4ch News

Anthony 'The Mooch' Scaramucci has become US President Donald Trump’s latest ally to renounce him publicly. The surprise move from one of the president’s top supporters has predictably thrust him into media limelight.The former White House communications director served in the Trump administration for a mere 11 days, but since his ouster in July 2017 he has become a permanent fixture on cable news, spilling the beans on the inner workings of the White House.While the ex-adviser was no longer a part of Team Trump, he had not switched sides, defending his former boss in frequent CNN appearances and in his book, aptly titled  ‘The Blue-Collar President’.Also on rt.comBritish envoy Darroch ‘hit job’ victim, who someone wanted to ‘knock’ off post – Scaramucci tells RTHowever, the romance, as it was with many of Trump’s confidants before Scaramucci, such as his disgraced former personal attorney Michael Cohen, eventually went stale. It all began on Thursday last week, when ‘The Mooc…