
mo4ch:>Necropolis crisis: Expert suggests using UK’s highways as green graveyards | Mo4ch News

The UK could run out of burial plots within five years, estimates warn, while cremation levels may have peaked. Now, one public health expert suggests using highways, cycle paths, and former industrial sites as graveyards.John Ashton, former president of the Faculty of Public Health, made the rather grim yet practical proposal Thursday in an in-depth examination of what to do with the UK’s deceased. “You have got 500,000 to 600,000 deaths a year in England and Wales so if everybody who died had a green burial – I am not saying that is going to happen – but if everybody did we could be planting half a million trees a year,” Aston said, in a proposal which could tackle the UK’s corpse surplus while simultaneously improving emissions levels and the wider environment. Also on rt.comAn eco-friendly deathstyle? Washington poised to legalize HUMAN composting“As part of [mitigating] global warming, let’s put the burial situation into the thinking,” he said. While cremation may seem like an ob…