
mo4ch:>Japanese probe makes final touchdown on distant asteroid to peek into solar system’s origins | Mo4ch News

Japan’s Hayabusa2 probe has touched down on the far-off Ryugu asteroid, returning to the rock’s surface to collect more samples on a mission to learn about the birth of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago.“The probe appears to have touched down successfully” according to Doppler data received by the control room, Japanese Space Exploration Agency (JAXA) spokesman Takayuki Tomobe told Japan Times on Thursday, adding that because Doppler only provides speed and altitude a definitive confirmation of Hayabusa2’s touchdown would have to come later in the day.Hayabusa2 fired an “impactor” at Ryugu’s surface in April in preparation for this touchdown, creating a crater in order to expose layers of the rock that were previously hidden. The probe is expected to briefly land about 20m away from the center of that crater in order to collect samples of whatever materials were ejected from the impact three months ago.Also on rt.comJapanese probe BOMBS ancient asteroid to look inside itIt would…