
mo4ch:>From stealth jets to killer subs: Russia pitches massive arms deals to India | Mo4ch News

Russia is offering an array of cutting-edge arms to be produced locally by India, including an advanced killer sub and a fifth-generation fighter jet. The Indian military is also about to take delivery of other weapons.Moscow is now competing for a tender to deliver six diesel-electric submarines to the Indian Navy, said Vladimir Drozhzhov, the head of a government agency in charge of arms trade. Russia’s bid includes the Lada-class attack submarine (also known as Amur-1650), an advanced underwater vessel designed for engaging ships, defending naval ports and conducting reconnaissance.If selected, the submarine – which is said to be one of the quietest in her class – won’t be just assembled under a Russian license and from Russian parts, the official revealed. The bid suggests that the submersible will be jointly designed by Indian and Russian engineers but built by the Indians themselves.This is how India could develop its own know-how and acquire sensitive technology that other coun…