
mo4ch:>‘Crisis in Queens’: Immigrant from Jamaica announces Republican challenge to AOC in 2020 | Mo4ch News

A new contender has entered the ring for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s House seat in New York, vowing to take the young congresswoman’s spot in 2020 and condemning her for seeking self-promotion over public service.Scherie Murray, a businesswoman from Queens and a Jamaican immigrant, announced that she will run for New York’s fourteenth congressional district in 2020, currently represented by the progressive firebrand better known as ‘AOC.’“There is a crisis in Queens, and it’s called AOC,” Murray told Fox News on Wednesday, announcing her candidacy and accusing the congresswoman of “focusing on being famous” instead of doing her job.AOC is “rolling back progress,” Murray continued, with her “job-killing Green New Deal” scheme, as well as her role in helping to scrap an Amazon investment project in New York, which may have cost the city thousands of jobs.Murray released a campaign video after her Fox appearance, and took to Twitter.Also on rt.comAOC & Omar's 'squad' bashe…