
mo4ch:>Blinding whiteness of ‘party of diversity’ spawns #DemDebateSoWhite hashtag | Mo4ch News

Amid a chorus of Orange Man Bad echoing from the Democratic debate stage, another color was on some voters’ minds as Twitter gadflies highlighted the absurdity of 10 white candidates fighting over who’d best represent minorities.Critics of the achingly PC identity-politics wing of the Democratic Party could scarce believe their luck as the first night of round two of the Democratic primary debates kicked off without a single nonwhite candidate on stage (despite three remaining in the race). A graphic calling out the melanin-challenged slate was soon spreading across social media behind the hashtag #DemDebateSoWhite.“Remember every one of them calls the president a racist, as they stand on stage without one black person in sight,” one user tweeted. Another slammed the Democrats’ hypocrisy, pointing out that if 10 white Republicans had shared the stage, an equivalent hashtag would be #1 on Twitter. Others hinted at foul play in the candidate selection process. “Can someone run the odds …