
mo4ch:>‘I’ll f***ing bury you!’ McAfee vows to expose corrupt US officials & CIA agents if ‘disappeared’ | Mo4ch News

Bitcoin evangelist John McAfee has threatened to “bury” the US government if they keep harassing him over unpaid taxes, promising to leak a huge trove of files proving corruption throughout Washington and its allies.“I’ve collected files on corruption in governments. For the first time, I’m naming names and specifics,” McAfee warned in a string of tweets stretching back to Sunday. Vowing to release over 31 terabytes of “incriminating data” to the press if arrested or otherwise “disappeared,” he posted the names of a “corrupt CIA agent and two Bahamian officials” along with claims they’d taken bribes and been involved with drug trafficking, apparently to show he was not bluffing.He also promised to release the names of “25 Congressmen and 5 Senators, from both Parties, who are coming up for re-election in 2020, and who MUST be recalled, and if that fails, booted out of office on election day” on Friday.Claiming the Department of Justice was cooking up murder, racketeering and money-lau…