
mo4ch:>House Dems summon Watergate witness for bizarre ‘historical perspective’ on Mueller report | Mo4ch News

House Democrats, no longer content to merely shout that Russiagate is just like Watergate, have actually hauled in Richard Nixon’s White House counsel to testify on the Mueller report in a surreal attempt at guilt-by-association.John Dean, former White House counsel to Nixon, was brought in to testify not as a “fact witness,” as he hastily acknowledged at the outset, but to give a “historical perspective” on the Mueller report in a Judiciary Committee hearing on Monday. Seemingly uninformed about the facts of the Trump case – he mentioned Michael Cohen twice when attempting to list individuals the president had attempted to bribe with a pardon, appending Roger Stone to the list through “informed conjecture” – he was full of stories about Watergate.Also on rt.comRussiagate is #1 threat to US national security – Stephen CohenThe Watergate witness regaled the House with tales of Nixon’s “stage-whispering” about his mistakes, and multiple Democrats pressed him on decades-old details wholl…