
mo4ch:>Homeland Security fuses all biometric data on an Amazon server - what could go wrong? | Mo4ch News

The US Department of Homeland Security is upgrading its surveillance database to add DNA profiles and relationships to its massive cache of fingerprints and face scans. And Amazon is to host this trove of sensitive information.The DHS Office of Biometric Identification Management is replacing its Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT), which cross-references fingerprints, iris scans, and facial recognition with biographical information, with the even more dystopian Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology System (HART), which adds DNA, palm prints, tattoos, scars, and other physical markings.Also on rt.comYou’ve been warned: Widespread US face surveillance is ‘imminent reality’, says tech privacy reportThe system will also contain data on people's "relationship patterns," possibly gleaned from social media profiles, which DHS has acknowledged will include "non-obvious relationships" - whatever that means - as well as data from "officer encounter…