
mo4ch:>Hallelujah! Russiagate cultists ecstatic as Mueller set to testify before House | Mo4ch News

House Democrats have finally compelled special counsel Robert Mueller to testify before the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees next month in an appearance eagerly anticipated by the anti-Trump #Resistance.Judiciary chair Jerrold Nadler and Intelligence chair Adam Schiff cornered the reluctant special counsel with a pair of subpoenas accompanied by an almost cartoonishly deferential letter praising Mueller for “admirably limit[ing] public comment while the Special Counsel’s Office’s work was ongoing” and promising to “work with [him] to address legitimate concerns about preserving the integrity of [his] work.” The apologetic missive lamented that it had become “necessary” to use legal means to compel his testimony, but noted he had had plenty of warning that the summons was coming.Also on rt.comHollywood stars read ‘adaptation’ of Mueller report in deranged stage ‘performance’Mueller has stated he wants the 440-plus pages of the report his office delivered months ago to speak for it…