
mo4ch:>DARPA floats winking ‘it’s a balloon’ hint to explain Missouri ‘UFOs’ (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

A pair of weird white “UFOs” seen floating over Kansas City, Missouri might be part of a secretive DARPA project testing the long-distance capabilities of lighter-than-air vehicles.Skywatchers’ interest was piqued on Thursday when even the National Weather Service seemed stumped over the origin of the orbs, admitting “we honestly have no explanation for the floating objects over Kansas City” in a tweet.While the Defense Department didn’t come right out and admit their top-secret Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) toys were the UFOs in question, they confirmed to Gizmodo that three Adaptable Lighter Than Air (ALTA) balloons bearing a stunning resemblance to the mystery orbs had recently been released from Cumberland, Maryland. The agency even tweeted about it.While the real purpose of the ALTA program is likely to remain classified, DARPA only says it should “develop and demonstrate a high altitude lighter-than-air vehicle capable of wind-borne navigation over extended r…