
mo4ch:>Biden campaign gets caught plagiarizing parts of his 2020 climate plan, says it forgot citations | Mo4ch News

Democratic US presidential candidate Joe Biden, whose first campaign was sunk by plagiarism, has been caught plagiarizing bits of his 2020 climate plan. The campaign claims it merely "left out" the citations.At least three passages from the climate plan Biden's campaign released on Tuesday were copied directly from environmental organizations, CREDO activist Josh Nelson tweeted, posting original text from the Carbon Capture Coalition and the Blue Green Alliance alongside text from Biden's campaign website.Compounding the gaffe, the Carbon Capture Coalition's membership includes the country's largest fossil fuel companies – not such strange bedfellows for Biden, who received a "D-" grade from Greenpeace last week largely due to his lack of environmental policy, but less than ideal for a candidate trying to reinvent himself as "green."Biden's campaign waited the better part of a day to address the charges as the news spread, buoyed by an…