
mo4ch:>As Ukrainian oligarch sues lobbyist over Trump inauguration tickets, US media cry ‘RUSSIA!’ | Mo4ch News

What does an Ukrainian tycoon suing an Ukrainian-born lobbyist over access to Trump inauguration have to do with Russia? Nothing, unless you’re a mainstream US media outlet, in which case it’s – everything.Pavel Fuks, a real-estate developer from the Ukrainian city of Kharkov, apparently really wanted VIP access to President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, and paid $200,000 to Ukrainian-born lobbyist Yuri Vanetik to arrange it. Fuks is now suing Vanetik in a federal court in California, saying the lobbyist cheated him out of the money.Vanetik says the money was at least in part a payment for legal work on behalf of Gennady A. Kernes, the mayor of Kharkov, and not for the inauguration – because foreigners are not allowed to buy tickets, you see. He is disputing the allegations and says he will counter-sue.So how did this story come to the attention of the New York Times? Because it is never specified that Vanetik was born in Ukraine (at least if one hasn’t bothered to read…