
mo4ch:>Stop calling identity politics ‘divisive’ when it is actually ‘destructive’ | Mo4ch News

Criticism of identity politics as merely “divisive” misses the point of what is actually a coherent political movement with a radical agenda to destroy Western society as it exists.A cookie-cutter version of this complaint – which is often heard from “sensible” centrists and “old-fashioned” left-wingers – came at the weekend from David Isaac, chair of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission.“We are living in a world that is more divided, there’s more individualist thinking in relation to what is happening and less empathy, less hope,” Isaac told the Guardian, urging Britons to look beyond “what works for me and my narrow group.”The picture he paints is of separate gangs, each sitting in their own playhouses on the lawn, refusing to share their toys. If only we could come outside and be more considerate towards each other, the tensions created by identity politics would dissipate.But this is not what identity politics is, or how it works.Right from its roots in the black power m…