
mo4ch:>Soviet Union oddly missing from US-made coin ‘saluting’ WWII Allies | Mo4ch News

A US-made collectable coin lists Britain and France among the honored US allies in WWII, but, strangely, the Soviet Union, whose Red Army delivered a crushing blow to the Nazis in Europe and fought Japan, is omitted.The 24-carat gold-plated coin was designed by collectable goods and jewelry company Bradford Exchange. It was the first entry into a collection meant to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Allied victory in WWII, depicting “key” Allied battles and honoring the Allied nations.The coin’s reverse side shows the 33rd US president, Harry Truman, along with the 34th president, Dwight Eisenhower, who was the supreme commander of the US and British expeditionary force in Europe during the war.The obverse side, however, contains only the flags of the US, Brittan, and France, as Allied nations the item wishes to “salute.” Oddly enough, it completely omits the Soviet Union, whose troops were instrumental to crushing the bulk of the Nazi armies in Europe.It would have been fair to…