
mo4ch:>Patriot games: Chinese dump iPhones & switch to domestic Huawei devices amid US crackdown | Mo4ch News

A growing number of former Apple devotees in China have started switching from iPhones to domestic Huawei smartphones as trade and technology tensions escalate between Washington and Beijing.The South China Morning Post reported that consumers were spurred by a rising “nationalist sentiment” to support the Chinese tech giant which has been blacklisted by the US.According to the newspaper, “nationalist rhetoric of ‘switch to Huawei’ has gained increasing traction as trade tensions escalate.”Social media campaigns have been urging citizens to support Huawei at Apple’s expense in response to US-China trade disputes, it said.Also on rt.com‘Stupid economics’: Attack on Huawei tells world to avoid doing business with US - Prof. WolffSome long-time Apple users in China have started framing Huawei purchases as acts of patriotism.
“There is a calling from my heart that I need to show support for Chinese brands, especially in the trade war climate,” said Wang Zhixin, a manager at one of China’s …