mo4ch:>‘Great RESPONSIBILTY’: New Aussie banknotes fail spell check | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, May 9, 2019

mo4ch:>‘Great RESPONSIBILTY’: New Aussie banknotes fail spell check | Mo4ch News

Reading the fine print may lead to astounding discoveries. Just look at this Australian who found a typo in the minuscule text printed on the nation’s brand new and improved AU$50 note.

The new bill is part of next-generation currency currently being rolled out by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). It was first revealed in February and entered circulation in October, with some 46 million printed.

It took the public several months to notice that something was wrong with it. It may be distinctive and hard to counterfeit, as advertised by the RBA, but it also misspells the maiden speech delivered by Edith Cowan, the first Australian female MP. “I stand here today in the unique position of being the first woman in an Australian parliament. It is a great responsibilty,” the near-microscopic text over her shoulder reads, missing an “i”.

The typo was spotted by an eagle-eyed radio listener, who probably had to use a magnifying glass to find it, and was confirmed by the bank officials on Thursday.

“The Reserve Bank of Australia is aware of it and the spelling will be corrected at the next print run,” said a spokesperson. It remains unclear if the bank was aware of the issue before it was known to the public.

Cowan was a prominent activist who was fighting for women’s suffrage rights, social welfare for women and children, and other social change. She was elected to Parliament in 1921 in a surprise victory over a candidate who ironically was the one to introduce the legislation that allowed women to run. She has been featured on 50-dollar notes in Australia since 1995.

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It’s yet to be established if the entire print of the AU$50 note contained the typo. If it was limited to a smaller set, the flawed notes may well become valuable to collectors.

The RBA has already introduced next-generation AU$10 and AU$5 notes and is expected to roll out a new AU$20 note this year. And now the world will be watching.

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Source : RT - Daily news

‘Great RESPONSIBILTY’: New Aussie banknotes fail spell check

‘Great RESPONSIBILTY’: New Aussie banknotes fail spell check