
mo4ch:>Clean & honest broker lacking colonial baggage: Russia investing in Africa's huge energy potential | Mo4ch News

Africa’s economic potential is enormous: the continent contains significant mineral and energy deposits, a young and growing population, and an underdeveloped energy sector desperately in need of investment.Approximately 640 million people, or two-thirds of the entire populace, don’t have access to electricity. According to the African Development Bank, energy poverty reduces GDP growth by four percent every year. Russia’s energy industry, in comparison, is booming. Its state-run nuclear energy company Rosatom has an order book of 34 reactors in 12 countries worth $300 billion. Recently, Moscow has set its eyes on Africa where most states have either already struck a deal with the Kremlin or are considering one.Africa’s long march forwardCurrently, only South Africa is operating a commercial nuclear power plant with plans on the table to expand capacity. Another ten states are in different stages of planning and negotiations including Algeria, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Ta…