
mo4ch:>Austrian president dissolves Kurz’s govt after no-confidence vote | Mo4ch News

Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen on Tuesday officially dissolved Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s government, a day after it lost a no-confidence vote in parliament.The president has tasked Vice Chancellor Hartwig Loger to serve as chancellor until an interim head of cabinet is appointed, RIA Novosti reports.The Austrian parliament passed a motion of no confidence against Kurz and his government over the scandal involving the ruling party’s coalition partner, the right-wing Freedom Party (FPO), whose former leader Heinz-Christian Strache was taped allegedly discussing exchanging government contracts.Kurz, 32, said he would fight to win back his position. He remains popular and his center-right party finished first on  Sunday in Austria in the European Parliament election with 34.9 percent support, a gain of almost 8 percentage points over 2014, AP said.
Source : RT - Daily newsAustrian president dissolves Kurz’s govt after no-confidence voteAustrian president dissolves Kurz’s go…