
mo4ch:>Why will China be the big winner in no-deal Brexit? Boom Bust has the answer | Mo4ch News

China and the US are predicted to reap huge benefits should the UK leave the EU without a deal. This is because Europe will be left “fractured” by its divorce from Britain, Professor of Economics Richard Wolff told RT.On Wednesday, Brussels agreed to extend the Brexit deadline until October 31, thus giving London an additional six months to find “the best possible solution” for leaving the bloc as UK PM Theresa May battles with MPs to agree on a deal. However, businesses inside Britain and all across Europe want this “endless soap opera” to be settled, Wolff explained to RT’s Boom Bust show.“The worst thing is uncertainty around it,” he told guest host Ben Swann. “Nobody knows whether to make an investment in one part of Europe or another, because they don’t know what Europe will mean in terms of where they can sell and where they can buy and what kind of profits they can make.”Meanwhile, a new UN research document titled ‘No-deal Brexit: the trade winners and losers’ has warned that …