
mo4ch:>Secretive meeting on US ‘military option’ in Venezuela reveals key figures of invasion push – report | Mo4ch News

Published time: 14 Apr, 2019 20:57Edited time: 14 Apr, 2019 20:58 A hawkish US think tank has hosted a secretive meeting on Venezuela, bringing together American and South American officials to discuss the “use of military force” in the country, investigative journalist Max Blumenthal told RT.The exclusive piece shedding some light on the secretive gathering was published by the Grayzone portal on Saturday. Blumenthal has obtained a check-in list of a private roundtable dubbed ‘Assessing the Use of Military Force in Venezuela,’ which was hosted by the DC-based think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).The roundtable was held on April 10, yet its check-list was misleadingly dated as April 20. The fact the meeting had actually taken place was confirmed to Blumenthal by its participants, whom he has reached for comment. They were not very eager to talk, though.“We talked about military… uh… military options in Venezuela. That was earlier this week though,” resea…