
mo4ch:>Fearsome ‘warg-like' ancient predator was bigger than a polar bear (PHOTOS) | Mo4ch News

A truly awe-inspiring ancient predator has been discovered in Kenya which may have been one of the largest-ever carnivorous mammals to roam the planet, eclipsing even the largest modern bears, big cats and wolves.The Simbakubwa kutokaafrika fossils were stored at the the National Museums of Kenya having been excavated in the 1980s but were never closely examined until recently. Simbakubwa means “big lion” in Swahili despite the fact that it is not a cat, nor is it closely related to bears, hyenas or wolves either.“Most of the specimens that I study are quite small, so you can imagine my surprise when I opened a drawer that I hadn't examined yet, and saw the enormous teeth glinting up at me,” co-author and integrative biologist Nancy Stevens from Ohio University said.The massive and terrifying ambush predator stalked the African plains 22 million years ago, weighing in at over a ton and measuring 2.5 meters (8 feet) in length with a skull the size of a rhino which contained 20-cent…