
mo4ch:>Trump to blame for Islamophobia? Debate erupts after New Zealand mosque slayings | Mo4ch News

Published time: 16 Mar, 2019 16:41 After a gunman cut down 49 worshippers at two New Zealand mosques, multiple commentators have blamed US President Donald Trump for the violence. Trump himself has condemned the killings.“We hold you responsible for this growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the country and in Europe,” Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) leader Nihad Awad said at a press conference on Friday.
“The perpetrator of this terrorist attack has been inspired by hate-mongers in the United States and in Europe,” he added. “The perpetrator of this horrific and terrorist attack today referenced President Trump in his manifesto.”Alleged perpetrator Brenton Tarrant live-streamed his shooting rampage on Facebook, and can be seen stalking from room to room, executing Muslims in their place of worship. Before his killing spree began, Tarrant reportedly released a rambling 70-page ‘manifesto’, blending internet memes with calls for a race war between whites and Muslim “invaders.”Tar…