
mo4ch:>Tory Minister Rudd branded ‘disgraceful’ after referring to black people as ‘colored’ | Mo4ch News

Amber Rudd, the work and pensions secretary, has been lambasted after referring to black people as “colored,” on a day that saw two other UK government ministers manage to offend Muslims and the Irish.In an interview for BBC Radio 2, Rudd, who has since apologized for her “clumsy language,” was giving her views on the issue of abuse and online trolling MPs receive online, when she made the offensive remark.It definitely is worse if you’re a woman. And it’s worst of all if you’re a colored woman. I know that Diane Abbott gets a huge amount of abuse.It drew widespread anger on social media, with many claiming that Rudd had undermined an important issue with words from a bygone era. Labour’s shadow home secretary, Diane Abbott, labeled the term as “outdated, offensive and revealing choice of words.”In what appeared to be a game of who could be the most offensive government minister on Thursday, the leader of the house, Andrea Leadsom, caused yet more ructions.Leadsom ostensibly categoriz…