
mo4ch:>‘Time to declare victory!’ US senators seek to end ‘forever war’ in Afghanistan | Mo4ch News

Senators Rand Paul and Tom Udall have introduced a bill to end the ruinously expensive conflict in Afghanistan, declaring ‘victory’ in the longest war in US history after 18 years, some $2 trillion and over 100,000 dead.“It’s important to know when to declare victory and leave a war,” Paul (R-Ky.) said in a video announcing the American Forces Going Home After Noble Service (AFGHANS) Act, adding, “I think that time has long passed.”“Soon, US service members will begin deploying to Afghanistan to fight in a war that began before they were born,” Udall (D-N.Mex.) said in a statement issued alongside the bill, pointing out that al-Qaeda – the stated target of the invasion way back in 2001 – is practically nonexistent in Afghanistan nearly two decades later, and Osama bin Laden is long dead.Perhaps recalling the president’s flip-flopping on withdrawal from Syria, the AFGHANS bill acts fast, setting a one-year deadline for complete US withdrawal from Afghanistan with plans for a handover t…