mo4ch:>Israeli settlers are victims of occupation just as we are – Palestinian resistance icon Tamimi to RT | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Saturday, March 30, 2019

mo4ch:>Israeli settlers are victims of occupation just as we are – Palestinian resistance icon Tamimi to RT | Mo4ch News

Published time: 30 Mar, 2019 13:20

Israelis, who get enrolled into their government’s oppression of the Palestinian people are victims just like those they oppress, iconic Palestinian activist and former prisoner Ahed Tamimi told RT’s Going Underground.

“I pity [the Israelis] because they are dehumanized. They are only filled with hatred. It is not about occupying the land, it is about occupying the minds,” she said.

Tamimi, who got international fame after being arrested by Israel for slapping a soldier, made the argument about Israelis being victimized by the policies of their government after being released from an Israeli jail.

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The young activist spoke to program host Afshin Rattansi ahead of the first anniversary of the Great Return March, the ongoing mass protest by Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip staged near Israel’s border wall. Israel justifies its heavy-handed response to the protest, which resulted in at least 183 people being killed and over 9,000 injured, by saying the movement is just a cover for the militant movement Hamas to launch its attacks against Israel.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Israeli settlers are victims of occupation just as we are – Palestinian resistance icon Tamimi to RT

Israeli settlers are victims of occupation just as we are – Palestinian resistance icon Tamimi to RT