
mo4ch:>Could light and sound cure Alzheimer’s? Exciting mice experiment suggests promising potential | Mo4ch News

Neuroscientists have removed Alzheimer’s causing plaques from mice brains using just light and sound. Is that really possible? We explain.The MIT-led research found strobe lights and a low pitched buzzing sound can recreate brain waves that are lost in the disease, which then remove the clumps of harmful proteins that build up around the the brain of mice with Alzheimer’s-like behaviours.The non-invasive procedure saw the mice’s cognitive and memory function improve. After a week of treatment, the mice were far better able to navigate a maze by remembering landmarks.Also on rt.comDementia revelation: Exercise ‘could worsen’ brain deteriorationMice and human brain waves work differently, and the process hasn’t been tested on humans yet, but the finding is promising as it could potentially be a way to treat Alzheimer’s in a cheap and drug-free way.The research built on a previous study in which mice with Alzheimer’s were treated by flashing a light 40 times per second into their eyes, w…