
mo4ch:>Beijing calls on Chinese firms not to be ‘silent lambs,’ vows protection amid Huawei row | Mo4ch News

Beijing has promised to take “all necessary measures” to defend Chinese companies and citizens who are under “deliberate political suppression” abroad amid legal clashes between tech giant Huawei and Washington.“We support the company and individual in question in seeking legal redress to protect their own interests and refusing to be victimized like silent lambs,” China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated on Friday. He referred to the ongoing Huawei row in the US and Canada’s arrest of a Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou.Also on rt.com‘All Chinese money into Silicon Valley stops’ after Huawei ban, former Beijing banker warnsThe statement comes one day after the company filed a lawsuit against the US government in a bid to challenge the decision to ban federal agencies from using its equipment.The top Chinese diplomat also said that the country is to use “all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard” the rights and interests of its enterprises and citizens.“Recent actions against specific Chine…