mo4ch:>Trump’s exit from summit with Kim delayed... because of broken down stair (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, February 28, 2019

mo4ch:>Trump’s exit from summit with Kim delayed... because of broken down stair (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

Published time: 28 Feb, 2019 11:16 Edited time: 28 Feb, 2019 11:17

As US President Donald Trump prepared to make a rather hasty exit following a no deal at the highly anticipated Hanoi peace summit with North Korea, an unexpected malfunction added insult to injury.

While North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made a somewhat awkward entrance to the summit, as his train overshot the waiting red carpet and his interpreter was forced to sprint after him, Trump’s exit was marred by a minor mechanical fault which delayed takeoff for a brief period while Secret Service agents manhandled the malfunctioning stair car out of the way.

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Trump's unexpectedly early exit provided some initial confusion as reporters waited for a scheduled lunch between the two world leaders prior to the announcement that the summit had, in fact, already ended without any agreement reached.

Also on We thought it wasn’t a good thing ‘to be signing anything’ – Trump on Hanoi summit with Kim

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Source : RT - Daily news

Trump’s exit from summit with Kim delayed... because of broken down stair (VIDEO)

Trump’s exit from summit with Kim delayed... because of broken down stair (VIDEO)