
mo4ch:>Rare PHOTOS of 'most elusive' black leopard captured in Africa | Mo4ch News

A rare black leopard has been captured on camera in Africa. The majestic big cat was finally spotted after researchers spent months pursuing the elusive animal.Biologists from San Diego Zoo managed to find the beautiful black leopard in Kenya – they claim it's the first time that high-quality images of the cat have been captured since Ethiopia in 1909. They did so after spending months looking for their target.After hearing reports of a possible black leopard sighting in Laikipia Wilderness Camp last year, the team set up Camtraptions Camera Traps to watch the leopard population.“Within a few months, we were rewarded with multiple observations on our cameras,” San Diego Zoo scientist Nick Pilfold said, CNN reports. The black leopard was seen with a larger, ordinary-colored leopard, believed to be her mother.“Collectively, these are the first confirmed images in nearly 100 years of a black leopard in Africa, and this region is the only known spot in all of Africa to have black leop…