
mo4ch:>Trump says steel wall an option, may use ’emergency powers’ to build it | Mo4ch News

With the US’ manufacturing sector booming, President Trump said that his long-promised border wall could be built entirely from American steel. He also hasn’t excluded the idea of building it without Congressional approval.Following a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, President Trump told reporters on Friday that a “steel wall” could be an option, “because we have steel companies again...there’s something awfully nice about that.”Trump and the Democrats have thus far failed to come to a compromise on Trump’s request for $5 billion to fund the wall, and the government shutdown is set to enter its second week on Friday. Speaking to reporters before retaking the House Speaker’s gavel on Thursday Pelosi said bluntly: “We're not doing a wall. Does anybody have any doubt about that? We're not doing a wall.”Also on rt.comHouse Democrats pass gov't funding bill without border wall despite near-certain vetoTrump, meanwhile, has promis…