
mo4ch:>Scientists 'resurrect' giant prehistoric lizard as a walking robot (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

European researchers have animated a prehistoric four-legged creature that lived before the dinosaurs by studying its gait and making a robotic model that can walk the earth just like its prototype 280 million years ago.The model is the result of thorough research by a multidiscipline team led by John Nyakatura of Humboldt University, Berlin, which published a paper on reverse-engineering of the stem amniote Orobates pabsti in the Nature journal.The task was made possible by the extinct species' completely preserved skeleton and fossils of its tracks. The scientists scanned the skeleton in three dimensions and came up with a 3D digital model that could be animated.However, it was not enough to determine how the creature walked, as it depends on a range of factors such as the amount of cartilage, the angle at which it can bend its spine, and other parameters. The scientists attempted to determine a range of motion for each joint and "forced" the digital model to walk insi…