
mo4ch:>Russian security chief calls BBC ‘fake news factory that Britons themselves take with a smile’ | Mo4ch News

Britain is a former empire trying to stay relevant in European affairs by becoming an anti-Russian champion, Nikolai Patrushev, a senior Russian security official, believes. British people see through this ruse, he said.Patrushev, the former head of the security service FSB, who currently chairs the Russian national security council, painted a highly unfavorable picture of modern Britain in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. He said the British establishment still cannot get over their country’s rapid transition from the world’s most-powerful empire to a nation subjugated by its former colony, the United States.Today the British leadership learns about the most important decisions taken in the White House from the media. Britain cannot remain even the leader of the Old World. The continental Europe is tired of London’s arrogant one-sided policy, its outdated habit of trying to dictate terms to others.The Russian official said Britain is trying to preserve its diminishing influence …