
mo4ch:>Rule of law or ‘imbecilic’ effort? Pundits clash over £200,000 UK spend on deported hate preacher | Mo4ch News

The UK has reportedly spent over £200,000 ($254,000) on the welfare of a hate preacher deported on terrorism charges. The revelation has raised the ire of the public, and a British pundits didn’t mince their words live on RT.Abu Qatada, who requested asylum in the UK in 1993, was deported to his home country of Jordan in 2013 for posing a threat to national security.Read more Now, it has emerged that Qatada’s meetings with doctors and human rights workers in Jordan were actually funded by UK taxpayers for three years, and cost a hefty £200,000 ($254,000), the Times revealed. A legal battle to deport him is said to have cost more than £1.9million ($2.4 million).“In the first place, Abu Qatada should never have been granted asylum here… And then you think about all the money, all the welfare payments he and those around him have ‘parasited’ of the UK taxpayer,” argued David Vance, a rightwing political commentator.However, he was challenged by Keith Best, a former conservative politician…